Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Waterskiing at 100?

The human body is nothing short of magical. The more I study about the human body, the more I am inspired by how the body is an amazing self-healing machine. Sometimes things get in the way of that healing, and that is where health care professional are needed. But for the most part, the body knows how to continue to function properly if we just get out of the way.
Take for example Frank Shearer who is 101 and still waterskiing. Contrast that to this picture of a 68 year old gentleman who needs a walker to get around. Both are human beings. Which one do you want to be when you get older?
It is the little things we do each day that make up the sum of our health. Those little things include:
  • daily exercise
  • not skipping meals and eating real food (you know stuff that is grown or raised, not packaged)
  • encouraging positive thoughts
  • nurturing good and healthy relationships
  • making sure you are getting all your nutrients
  • play
  • get good quality sleep
  • if you have a stressor in your life, learn how to best deal with that stress
  • if a part of your body isn't working right, get it looked at (<-- this is where I come in)
If you need heartburn medication every day just to not be hunched over in pain, you have a problem. The answer to that problem is not a lifetime of medication. The answer is to meet with a doctor who will take the time to figure out why you have heartburn, design a program to help you heal your stomach, and follow your progress. I help people like this every day in my practice.

And if you need heartburn medication to quell the digestive acids that your stomach naturally produces, then you aren't going to digest your food properly. If you don't digest your food properly then you won't extract all the nutrients you need from your food. (Remember: you are NOT what you eat... "You are what you eat, digest, and absorb.") This will mean you need to take a whole lot of vitamins and minerals with all your meals. And sadly, we should be able get most of our nutrients from our food if our digestive system is working properly. Thomas Edison said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food."

So here's to all of us being able to waterski at 100. And to being able to go snow skiing with our grandchildren when we are 85. If you feel like your body might not be able to get you down the slopes right now because of pain or dysfunction, please see myself or another health professional that will help you get healthy and stay that way.

In Positive Motion,

Dr. Brant Pedersen (DC)

Positive Motion Chiropractic
(408) 358-5086
Get healthy. Feel better.

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